Wild boar hunts in Dunántúl (Western Hungary), in January, 2024.
Dear Hunting Friends! Dear Guests!
Here are our wild boar driven hunts for January, 2024, Hungary.
(All the hunting areas are places are located in western Hungary)
January 5-6. Sellye-Vajszló (expected harvest 40-80 pcs.).
Last year’s harvest 61 pcs.
Price 250€ Stand fee/Hunter + 10€/Deer and 20€/Boar on harvest.
Avail. places: FULL
January 10. Romhány (expected harvest 15-35 pcs.).
Last year’s harvest 18 pcs. MAX 17 Hunters
Price 100,000Ft Stand fee/Hunter + after on harvest 5000Ft/Deer and 1000Ft/ Boar. MAX 250,000Ft.
Avail. places: 3
January 12. Somogybabod (expected harvest 20-50 pcs.).
Last year’s harvest 24 pcs. 70% Boar
Price €250 Stall fee/ Hunter + after on harvest €10/Deer and €20/Boar
Avail. places: 3
January 13. Marcali (expected harvest 20-50 pcs.)
Last year’s harvest 25 pcs. 80% Boar
Price €250 Stall fee/ Hunter + after on harvest €10/Deer and €20/Boar Avail. places: 10
January 19. Kéthely (expected harvest 10-30 pcs.).
Last year’s harvest 14 pcs. 90% Boar
MAX. 15 Hunters
Price €700
Avail. places: 4
January 20-21 For Nagykapor (20-50 harvest expected)
Last year’s harvest was 28. 80% Boar
Price for 2 days:
-24 pcs. €700
25-29 pcs. €800
30-34 pcs. €850
35-39 pieces. €900
40-44 pcs. €950
45-49 pcs. 1000€
50 pcs. €1100 MAX.
Avail. places: 3
We can arrange you accommodation on request.
We recommend early booking.
Additional Details
Event category -
Event Recurrence - Don\'t repeat
Repeat Every -
on the -
Résztvevők maximális száma -
Day Number - First
Day Name - Sunday
Repeat untill - 2025-02-10
Beszálló díj (és egyéb szolgáltatások) -
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