Wild boar hunts in Dunántúl (Western Hungary), in January, 2024.
Dear Hunting Friends! Dear Guests!
Here are our wild boar driven hunts for January, 2024, Hungary:
(All the hunting areas are places are located in western Hungary)
January 5-6. Sellye-Vajszló (expected harvest 40-80 pcs.)
Last year’s harvest was 61 pcs.
Price 250€ Stand fee/Hunter + 10€/Hind and 20€/Boar after harvest.
January 12. Somogybabob (expected harvest 20-50 pcs.)
Last year’s harvest 24 pcs. 70% Boar.
Price 250€ Stand fee/Hunter + 10€/Hind and 20€/Boar on harvest.
Vacancies: 3
January 13. Marcali (expected harvest 10-30 pcs.)
Last year’s harvest 14 pcs. 90% Boar. MAX. 15 Hunter.
Vacancies: 7
Price €700.
January 19. Marcali (expected harvest 20-50 pcs.)
Last year’s harvest 25 pcs. 80% Boar.
Price 250€ Stand fee/Hunter + 10€/Hind and 20€/Boar on harvest.
Vacancies: 3
January 20-21 Nagykapornak (expected harvest 20-50 pcs.)
Last year’s harvest 28 pcs. 80% Boar.
Price for 2 days:
– 24 pcs. €700.
25-29 pcs. €800.
30-34 pcs. €850.
35-39 pcs. €900.
40-44 pcs. €950.
45-49 pcs. €1000.
50 pcs. €1100 MAX.
Vacancies: 3
January 26. Gyulaj-Döbrögköz (expected harvest 20-50 pcs.)
Last year’s harvest 21 pcs. 70% Boar.
Price 250€ Stand fee/Hunter + 10€/Hind and 20€/Boar on harvest.
Vacant places: 10
We can arrange you accommodation on request.
We recommend early booking.
Additional Details
Event category -
Event Recurrence - Don\'t repeat
Repeat Every -
on the -
Résztvevők maximális száma -
Day Number - First
Day Name - Sunday
Repeat untill - 2025-03-11
Beszálló díj (és egyéb szolgáltatások) -
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