Wild boar driven hunt in Veszprém county, Western Hungary

Wild boar driven hunt in Veszprém county, Western Hungary

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Dear Hunting Friends! Dear Guests!

We are inviting you to our driven hunt in the county of Veszprém, Western part of Hungary.
Hunting area: Sümeg city
Date: 16.12.2023. (Saturday)
Total number of hunters: 15-17 people (maximum 17!)
Our prices:
Harvest          no. of
(pc./day)        hunters:
—                  15          16-17
                  420€      370€
6-9                570€      470€
10-14            670€      520€
15-19            720€      570€
20-24            820€      620€
25-29            870€      670€
30-34            920€      720€
35-39            970€      770€
40-44            1120€    920€
45-                1170€    970€
Species that can be shot: wild boar, fallow deer, golden jackal, fox.
(the golden jackal and the fox are not included in the pricing).
No tusker surcharge!
The course of the hunt: 2 or 3 drives per day
Included in the price:
Hunting Fee
Travel in the area
Cold pack
Driver’s fee
Other costs:
Trophy cooking and appraisal: €20/pair of tusks
If required, accommodation and food
For our foreign hunting guests, the price of the Hungarian hunting license is €140 / hunter / 30 days

Expected table setting: 15-25 big game
Prices include VAT.
The prices are converted into HUF at the MNB mid-rate on the day of the hunt.

Additional Details

Event category -

Event Recurrence - Don\'t repeat

Repeat Every -

on the -

Résztvevők maximális száma -

Day Number - First

Day Name - Sunday

Repeat untill - 2025-02-10

Beszálló díj (és egyéb szolgáltatások) -

Free Tickets -

Donation Tickets -

To register for this event email your details to dalnoki.aron.k@gmail.com

Register using webmail: Gmail / AOL / Yahoo / Outlook


Date And Time

2023-12-16 to

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