2023/24: White-fronted Goose hunting in new Romanian hunting areas
Dear Hunting Friends! Dear Guests!
Romania has some of the most beautiful paradises for waterfowl, its new hunting areas are waiting be de discovered.
Millions of geese spend the fall and winter on our lands, which ensures
the presence of birds on a daily basis.
Three different species will make up your daily schedule and mainly the white-fronted geese.
Our greatest advantage is exclusive access to large agricultural farms.
Depending on the birds presence on the feeding crops, we will move to different areas and/or accommodations to have a successful hunt with our hunting clients.
In the morning, the departure is approximately fixed at 4:00 am
(depending on the season and the distance to the feeding places).
The hunt generally ends between noon and 2:00 p.m., depending on the weather.
We can receive from 3 or 6 hunters at the same time in several different
areas, our locations are in the areas of Teleorman, Braila, Slobozia and
Pricing of our 2023/24 goose hunting season:
3 full hunting days and 4 nights: 1500 € per hunter, minimum 3 hunters.
Not included: ammunition, rent of the semiauto guns and alcoholic drinks.
Additional Details
Event category -
Event Recurrence - Don\'t repeat
Repeat Every -
on the -
Résztvevők maximális száma -
Day Number - First
Day Name - Sunday
Repeat untill - 2025-02-10
Beszálló díj (és egyéb szolgáltatások) -
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