Roe Deer hunting in Hungary, Heves county – Forrás Hunting Co.
Roe Deer hunting in Hungary, Heves county – Forrás Hunting Co.
Roe Deer hunting in Hungary, Heves county – Forrás Hunting Co.
Roe Deer hunting in Hungary, Heves county – Forrás Hunting Co.

Roe Deer hunting in Hungary, Heves county – Forrás Hunting Co.

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Dear Hunting Friends! Dear Guests!

The “Forrás” Hunting Co. is located in Heves County, 60km east from Budapest.

We are inviting you to our roe deer hunts for bocks, does, fawns, throughout the hunting season.

Our prices for the 2022 hunting season:

Trophy weight [gr.]  List price [Ft]

-200gr:                36.300,-

201-250gr:          36.300,-+270,-Ft/gr

251-300gr:          49.500,- +673,- Ft/gr

301-350gr:          82.500,- +1010,- Ft/gr

351-400gr:          132.000,- +1683,- Ft/gr

401-450gr:          214.500,- +3704,- Ft/gr

451-499gr:          396.000,- +5388,- Ft/gr

500gr-:                660.000.- +7260,- Ft/gr

Injury, damage: 50% of the trophy weight estimated by the hunting guide.

Vehicle (off-road) cost: by agreement.

Trophy cooking and preparation fee: HUF 5,000/pc.

Trophy appraisal fee: HUF 2,500/pc for trophies without medals, HUF 5,000/pc for trophies with medals.

Accommodation: we can arrange by request, individually.

Additional Details

Event category -

Event Recurrence - Don\'t repeat

Repeat Every -

on the -

Résztvevők maximális száma -

Day Number - First

Day Name - Sunday

Repeat untill - 2025-03-03

Beszálló díj (és egyéb szolgáltatások) -

Free Tickets -

Donation Tickets -

To register for this event email your details to

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Date And Time

2023-04-15 08:00 to
2023-09-30 18:00



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