Roe Buck hunting in Zomba, Tolna county, Western Hungary
Dear Hunting Friends and Guests!
Our hunting company, the Zsigmond Széchenyi Vt. is inviting you to our roebuck hunts this season.
Our hunting area is located in Tolna county, 16 km from Szekszárd city. We are managing wild game on 7,280 hectares, most of which is agricultural. Our main game species are roe deer, red deer and wild boar.
Our prices for the 2023 hunting season – roe buck hunting:
Weight (g) Price (Ft) Surcharge (Ft/gr)
0 – 200 35,000 Ft –
201 – 250 42,000 Ft 140 Ft
251 – 300 49,000 Ft 540 Ft
301 – 350 76,000 Ft 1,528 Ft
351 – 400 152,400 Ft 2,413 Ft
401 – 450 273,050 Ft 3,683 Ft
451 – 500 457,200 Ft 7,366 Ft
501 – 825,500 Ft 8,500 Ft
Doe, Fawn: HUF 13,000/pc
Our prices are gross prices and include VAT.
The price includes:
— trophy appraisal,
— trophy cooking.
Hunting guide fee: 5,000 Ft / person / occasion.
Pick-up: 400 / km.
Venison price: 1,500 Ft / kg.
Damage: 50% of the purchase price of the trophy with the weight estimated by the hunting guide.
Accommodation options nearby:
–Zomba (Margaréta guesthouse and restaurant),
–Between Harc and Szekszárd (Diófa restaurant and boarding house).
We are happy to help you book accommodation.
Additional Details
Event category -
Event Recurrence - Don\'t repeat
Repeat Every -
on the -
Résztvevők maximális száma -
Day Number - First
Day Name - Sunday
Repeat untill - 2025-02-10
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