Pheasant hunting packages in Rákóczifalva, near the city of Szolnok, Hungary
Pheasant hunting packages in Rákóczifalva, near the city of Szolnok, Hungary

Pheasant hunting packages in Rákóczifalva, near the city of Szolnok, Hungary

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Dear hunting Friends! Dear guests!

Bán-Ko Hunting Company is inviting you to our pheasant hunting packages for the 2023/2024 hunting season.
The hunts are organized at the village of Rákóczifalva, Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county, only 10 kilometers from Szolnok, central Hungary.Tipical plain area, interspersed with floodplain forests, and tree rows, where small game hunting is always a great pleasure.
Schedule of the hunt:
07:30 – Arrival at the hunting lodge
07:30 – 08:30 – Getting to know each other, pork belly breakfast (roast rings, sausage, pork cheese, salami, home-baked bread, pickles, coffee, tea)
08:30 – 09:00 – Briefing before hunting, explanation of safety regulations
09:00 – 14:00 – Hunting, scones, coffee, hot tea during breaks between shoots
15:00 – Harvest display
3:30 p.m. – Potluck dinner, casual conversation, unlimited drinks*
The hunts are always assisted by trained, VAV-examined dog handlers.
* In case of consumption of alcoholic beverages, the price of the unlimited drinks package is HUF 5,000/person, which includes various beers, quality wines, house brandy, and transit from the morning accommodation to the afternoon accommodation!

After the hunt, it is possible to pluck the birds on site at a price of HUF 700/piece.

Hunting packages:
Hunting 5 pheasants, 10-15 hunters, 50.000Ft
Hunting 8 pheasants, 10-15 hunters, 70.000Ft
Hunting 10 pheasants, 10-15 hunters, 85.000Ft

In all other cases, and with a unique idea, feel free to contact us.

Additional Details

Event category -

Event Recurrence - Don\'t repeat

Repeat Every -

on the -

Résztvevők maximális száma -

Day Number - First

Day Name - Sunday

Repeat untill - 2025-02-10

Beszálló díj (és egyéb szolgáltatások) -

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Date And Time

2023-10-01 to

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