Hare hunts with large harvest – at Berettyóújfalu, Eastern Hungary
Dear Hunting Friends!
As a result of last year’s successful hare hunts, we are inviting you to our 2022. season hare hunts.
The location: Eastern Hungary, Hajdú-Bihar county, near Berettyóújfalu, in the areas bordered by Berettyóújfalu, Nagykereki, Esztár, Konyár, Tépe.
Hare hunting season: from October 1st to December 31th.
Currently our open available hunting day: Friday, November 25.
A hunting group must contain at least 12 people. The target is a harvest of at least 100 – 120 hares per group. There is no upper limit to the number of people or the number of shot hares either.
Shot, not gutted, with hair and skin: 13,500 HUF / pc.
Shot, gutted, without hair and skin: 14,500 HUF / pc.
Each group hunts the hare together, everyone shares equally and the fee is the same for all. The hares on harvest are distributed equally, regardless of who shot them. During the hunt, we change and rotate the starting places, so everyone will have the same chance to shoot.
Program of the hunting day:
-Meeting between 06:20 a.m. and 06:35 a.m. at the MOL gas station in Berettyóújfalu. The address of the gas station; Berettyóújfalu Honvéd u. 2. 4100.
Attention! There are 4 MOL wells in Berettyóújfalu!
The meeting place is at the corner of Kossuth L. u, Honvéd u, Király-hágó út, Keresztesi út, / these four streets, meeting in a roundabout / MOL gas station, Honvéd u, Keresztesi út. Come to the gas station shop, I’ll be waiting for the group there.
Please don’t be late!
-Payment of the indicated amount for hunting between 06:25 and 06:50.
-Departure to the hunting site at 06:55.
-Registration, explanation of accident prevention instructions, protocols from 07:30 to 08:00.
-Leaving fo the hunting ground with cars 08:10 a.m.
-Hunt starts, rotating positions, hunting.
-Break for drinking, eating around noon.
-Standing for the hunt, hunting. Change of territory, hunting.
-Harvest display, dinner. In the meantime, the hares are prepared and distributed.
Additional Details
Event category -
Event Recurrence - Don\'t repeat
Repeat Every -
on the - same day
Résztvevők maximális száma -
Day Number - First
Day Name - Sunday
Repeat untill - 2025-02-10
Beszálló díj (és egyéb szolgáltatások) -
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