Wolf hunting in Serbia – south Serbia, heated high seats
Dear Hunting Friends! Dear Guests!
We are inviting you to a rare occasion of wolf hunting in Serbia.
Hunting areas: the reputed Stara planina mountain – 490 km (450 km motorway) far from the Röszke-Horgos border or 310 km far from airport in Belgrade – 4 warm, heated stands.
Wolf shooting: 1000 euro.
The price is trophy free, and includes wolf shooting.
Trophy boil out, and skinning 50 Euro.
Price for wolf shooting is only payable in case there is a successful shot.
Fox shooting: gratis.
Gold jackal: 100 Euro.
Wild cat shooting: 200 Euro.
Other costs for 1 hunter: 500 Euro (3 hunting days, organisation, jeep, guide, hunting licence).
Every additional hunting day: 150 Euro/day.
Transport from Belgrade airport: 0,5 Euro/km.
Own rifle, border tax: 50 Euro.
Rifle with thermo optic, renting: 60 Euro/ day.
It is allowed to use night vision and thermal.
Hotel accomodation: approx.25 Euro/day.
Additional Details
Event category -
Event Recurrence - Don\'t repeat
Repeat Every -
on the - same day
Résztvevők maximális száma -
Day Number - First
Day Name - Sunday
Repeat untill - 2025-03-31
Beszálló díj (és egyéb szolgáltatások) -
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