Sika Stag hunting in the Czech Republic
Dear Hunting Friends! Dear Guests!
Sika deer offer a fascinating hunt. There are only very few places in Europe where there are good stocks of this extraordinary game species in the wild – the areas in the western Czech Republic are among the best known. In West Bohemia we have several excellent hunting areas with a high density of sika deer, so the chances of a strong sika deer are particularly good here. Of course we are only hunting wild game.
Hunting at the rutting grounds in the forest and at the edge of the forest in particular brings the sika deer regularly into familiar sight. Hunting guides often stalk the sika deer. Many hunting guides also master the rutting call of the sika deer, so that the deer can be stopped.
The optimal hunting date is between 1st, October – 15th, October, in the rutting season.
Our prices:
Sika deer up to 224.9 CIC points € 1,500
Sika deer 225 – 239.9 CIC points (bronze medal) € 1,800.-
Sika deer 240 – 254.9 CIC points (silver medal) € 2,400.-
Sika deer 255 + CIC points (gold medal) € 2,900.-
One-time organizational costs € 150
Day organization fee € 30,-
Czech hunting license and invitation € 40,-
Game guide per game drive € 30,-
Accommodation and meals depending on the accommodation (guest house or hotel)
We would be happy to send you more information and photos on request.
Additional Details
Event category -
Event Recurrence - Don\'t repeat
Repeat Every -
on the -
Résztvevők maximális száma -
Day Number - First
Day Name - Sunday
Repeat untill - 2025-03-12
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