3-4 bucks at 450g, 500g and above at Perkáta, 70km from Budapest, Hungary
3-4 bucks at 450g, 500g and above at Perkáta, 70km from Budapest, Hungary
3-4 bucks at 450g, 500g and above at Perkáta, 70km from Budapest, Hungary
3-4 bucks at 450g, 500g and above at Perkáta, 70km from Budapest, Hungary
3-4 bucks at 450g, 500g and above at Perkáta, 70km from Budapest, Hungary
3-4 bucks at 450g, 500g and above at Perkáta, 70km from Budapest, Hungary
3-4 bucks at 450g, 500g and above at Perkáta, 70km from Budapest, Hungary
3-4 bucks at 450g, 500g and above at Perkáta, 70km from Budapest, Hungary
3-4 bucks at 450g, 500g and above at Perkáta, 70km from Budapest, Hungary
3-4 bucks at 450g, 500g and above at Perkáta, 70km from Budapest, Hungary

3-4 bucks at 450g, 500g and above at Perkáta, 70km from Budapest, Hungary

4688 4688 people viewed this event.

Dear Hunting Friends! Dear friends!

Our Hunting Co. offers a limited number of roe bucks this season, especially 450g, 500g and above. We are located in the heart of the Mezőföld region, in the Fejér County, near Perkáta. 70km from Budapest, Hungary.

Our roe deer herd is outstanding thanks to advanced wild management. A large number of trophies with medals are presented every year, and through several years our Hunting Co. received the medal record of the entire Fejér county.

Hunting season: from April 15 to September 30, 2023.

Our prices:

Trophy weight    price

450g- 499g         €1100 +€20/g

From 500g          €2100 + €23/g

The weight is determined by the 24-hour weight determined by the Trophy Appraisal Committee.

Damage: 50% of the list price. This is based on the trophy weight estimated by the accompanying hunter.

The meat of a roe deer can be purchased whole, without head and legs, based on the current purchase price.

Trophy appraisal fee according to the current official price list.

Guide fee: HUF 10,000/shot buck, which includes preparation. Payable only in case of successful harvest.

The prices shown in the price list are gross prices without VAT. We are VAT exempt.

Additional Details

Event category -

Event Recurrence - Don\'t repeat

Repeat Every -

on the -

Résztvevők maximális száma -

Day Number - First

Day Name - Sunday

Repeat untill - 2025-03-03

Beszálló díj (és egyéb szolgáltatások) -

Free Tickets -

Donation Tickets -

To register for this event email your details to vadasznimegyek@vadasznimegyek.hu

Register using webmail: Gmail / AOL / Yahoo / Outlook


Date And Time

2023-04-15 08:00 to
2023-09-30 20:00



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