Red Stag hunting with “Aranykürt” Hunting Co., Tolna county, Central Hungary
Dear Hunting Friends! Dear Guests!
The Szekszárd-dased Aranyfürt Hunting Co., in Tolna county, Central Hungary, was founded in 2011. Our area is part of the „Gemenc” Wildlife Management Landscape Region, with state-managed hunting lands. We manage game on 7,700 hectares. A significant part of our hunting area is cultivated.
Our big game herd consists of wild boar, fallow deer, fallow deer, and roe deer.
OUR RED STAG PRICE LIST – for the 2022 hunting season:
Hunting Seasons: Red Stag: 09.01-01.31. Hind, Yearling hind, Calf: 09.01-01.31.
Trophy weight (kg): HUF HUF/kg
< 2,99 kg 150,000
3,00-3,99 kg 180,000 + 800
4,00-4,99 kg 270,000 + 1,100
5,00-5,99 kg 380,000 + 1,600
6,00-6,99 kg 550,000 + 1,900
7,00-7,99 kg 750,000 + 2,300
8,00-8,99 kg 990,000 + 3,300
> 9,00 kg 1,450,000 + 3,500
Hind, Yearling hind 40,000 HUF
Calf 30,000 HUF
Trophy Weight: weight of large skull 24 hours after cooking
Trophy Appraisal: 10,000 HUF
On any hunt, the actual size of the trophy may differ by 15% from the size specified in the contract or estimated by the guide. The hunting fee is the price of the game according to the price list within this deviation.
Hunting guide fee: 8,000 HUF on weekdays, 10,000 HUF on weekend days.
If only morning and evening huntings takes place, we charge 50% of the guide’s fee.
Off-road vehicle: 350 HUF / km.
A shooting mistake incurs fee only if the hunter does not shoot a game of the same species and sex during the hunt..
Damage, injury: 50% cost.
Additional Details
Event category -
Event Recurrence - Don\'t repeat
Repeat Every -
on the -
Résztvevők maximális száma -
Day Number - First
Day Name - Sunday
Repeat untill - 2025-03-07
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