Pheasant and Hare hunting in Cegléd, 70km from Budapest, Hungary
Dear Hunting Friends! Dear Guests!
The “Szechenyi Zsigmond” hunting company manages on 6,000 ha in Pest county, 70 km from Budapest, in an area between the city Cegléd, Törtel and Nyársapát. Our hunting area hosts a strong small game population. Pheasant, hare and roe deer. Wild boar, fallow deer don’t appear here.
Last year’s roe deer trophy medal table was quite impressive: 56 roebucks, 2 gold medals, 4 silver medals and 9 bronze medals. 126 roe deers, 398 hares and 978 pheasants.
We are inviting you this season for our pheasant and hare hunts, both for individuals, small or larger groups.
Our pricelist for the season of 2022-23:
Pheasant: until December 31: HUF 10,500, until January 31: HUF 11,000, until February 26: HUF 11,500.
Hare: HUF 24,000.
Roe deer 10,000 HUF.
Arranging hunting permit for foreign hunters: 11000 Ft / month / hunter.
On request, meals are available at the hunting lodge.
We are happy to offer our new hunting lodge (see on the photos), or you can book various hotels within Cegléd (Aquarel hotel, Alföld Hotel) and other pensions.
Additional Details
Event category -
Event Recurrence - Don\'t repeat
Repeat Every -
on the - same day
Résztvevők maximális száma -
Day Number - First
Day Name - Sunday
Repeat untill - 2025-03-03
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