Hare hunting at Sándorfalva, Csongrád county, Eastern Hungary
Dear Hunting Friends! Dear Guests!
The Sasér Hunting Co. is located at the village Sándorfalva in Csongrád-Csanád County, Eastern Hungary. We are organizing hare huntings for group of 5-15 hunters, for small and large harvest hunts, between November 1st and December 31st, 2022. The hunting area is easily accessible from the M5 and M43 motorways.
Hare price per shot: 20,000Ft + VAT.
We are looking forward to hunt with you.
Additional Details
Event category -
Event Recurrence - Don\'t repeat
Repeat Every -
on the -
Résztvevők maximális száma -
Day Number - First
Day Name - Sunday
Repeat untill - 2025-03-11
Beszálló díj (és egyéb szolgáltatások) -
Free Tickets -
Donation Tickets -